Saturday, September 27, 2014

so here we are.....

its a rainy day in the forest of eve and now i see nothing but a complicated journey into the patches of clouds on the screens not sure what more i could ponder ponder on the simplest things ... how does one have more then 3 dimensions in its eyes the little boy asked... not sure if i could cry or simply just get popped into the thirsty days of an alcoholic no body and so it happens ... the moment i have been waiting for neither dead nor alive one could only hope to see what the future brings... a voice said taste the sweetness to my inner membrane ... a lost clause was a simple gesture lost in the title wave i scream for peace making the line as we speak . human energy would further go on as the lies compared to each other... now what do i say what do i need ... a murder case is created in the pit of his stomach.... the is really neat i say to myself "lost in the shadows i am not sure what more i could of done is this HD quality or simple analog arithmetic the language of math has yet to be untold....

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